
Between 1857 and 1899 there has been eight Baseball Leagues that is tracking. The table below lists those Leagues and sorts them according to Age, then First Year of play.

Each link goes to a League Page where you can find more information and individual season standings.

National LeagueMajor League1876 to now149 years old
American League (plus Western League  predecessor)Major League (plus Elite League predecessor)1894 to now (WL+AL)

1901 to now (AL)
131 years old

124 years old
National Association of Base Ball PlayersProto-League1857 to 187014 years old
American AssociationRival League1882 to 189110 years old
National Association of Professional Base Ball PlayersElite League1870 to 18755 years old
League AllianceRival League18821 year old
Union AssociationRival League18841 year old
Players LeagueRival League18901 year old
Table of Baseball Leagues (last updated Sep 2023) will be expanding this table as more standings are added.

World Series will establish a World Series page as more standings are added. In the interim you can find some information about the World Series that was played in the late 19th century here.

National League versus American Association World Series
1884Providence Grays (NL)3–0Metropolitans (New York) (AA)1884 World Series
1885St. Louis Browns (AA)3–3–1Chicago White Stockings (NL)1885 World Series
1886St. Louis Browns (AA)4–2Chicago White Stockings (NL)1886 World Series
1887Detroit Wolverines (NL)10–5St. Louis Browns (AA)1887 World Series
1888New York Giants (NL)6–4St. Louis Browns (AA)1888 World Series
1889New York Giants (NL)6–3Brooklyn Bridegrooms (AA)1889 World Series
1890Louisville Colonels (AA)3–3–1Brooklyn Bridegrooms (NL)1890 World Series
19th Century World Series